
Theme: UK Habitat Classification (level3)

Active: true
Owner: info@bluecover.pt
Privacy: Public
Team: N/A


Survey method used to categorise habitats within a defined area and record their condition and distinctiveness against set criteria.


ID Name Description Order Shortcut
62 Acid grassland 1
63 Calcareous grassland 2
64 Neutral grassland 3
65 Modified grassland 4
66 Broadleaved mixed and yew woodland 5
67 Coniferous woodland 6
68 Dwarf shrub heath 7
69 Hedgerows 8
70 Dense scrub 9
71 Bog 10
72 Fen marsh and swamp 11
73 Arable and horticulture 12
74 Built-up areas and gardens 13
75 Inland rock 14
76 Supralittoral Rock 15
77 Supralittoral Sediment 16
78 Standing open water and canals 17
79 Rivers and streams 18
80 Littoral Rock 19
81 Littoral Sediment 20