Themes List


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Geonames Land Management & Mapping Feature classes used by the Geonames worldwide geographical database. Public N/A Show

Feature classes used by the Geonames worldwide geographical database.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Country, region A country, region
2 Water/Harbour H stream, lake, ...
3 Parks/Area L parks,area, ...
4 City/Village P city, village,...
5 Road/Railroad R road, railroad
6 Spot/Building S spot, building
7 Mountain/Rock T mountain,rock,...
8 Undersea U undersea
9 Forest V forest,heath,...
FAO Land Cover Classification Tier2 Land Management & Mapping FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) Tier2 with the eight major land cover types. Public N/A Show

FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) Tier2 with the eight major land cover types.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Vegetated Cultivated
2 Vegetated Natural
3 Veg Cultivated aquatic
4 Veg Natural aquatic
5 Artificial Surfaces
6 Bare Areas
7 Artificial waterbodies
8 Natural waterbodies
FAO Land Cover Classification Tier3 Land Management & Mapping FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) Tier3 with 23 land cover types. Public N/A Show

FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) Tier3 with 23 land cover types.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Veg Cult Trees
2 Veg Cult Shrubs
3 Veg Cult Herbaceous
4 Veg Cult Urban vegetated areas
5 Veg Nat Woody
6 Veg Nat Herbaceous
7 Veg Nat Lichens/Mosses
8 Veg Cult Aquatic Graminoids
9 Veg Cult Acquatic Non graminoids
10 Veg Cultivated Aquatic Woody
11 Veg Natural Aquatic Woody
12 Veg Natural Aquatic Herbaceous
13 Veg Natural Aquatic Lichens/Mosses
14 Non-Veg Built-up
15 Non-Veg Non built-up
16 Non-Veg Bare Consolidated
17 Non-Veg Bare Unconsolidated
18 Non-Veg Artificial Waterbodies
19 Non-Veg Artificial Snow
20 Non-Veg Artificial Ice
21 Non-Veg Natural Waterbodies
22 Non-Veg Natural Snow
23 Non-Veg Natural Ice
Vine Lifecycle Agriculture & Forest Public N/A Show
Order Tag Name Description
1 Planted
2 Trained
3 Fertilized
4 Prumed
Tropical Forest - Costa Rica Agriculture & Forest Public N/A Show
Order Tag Name Description
1 Mature (Undisturbed) Forest
2 Secondary Forest
3 Tree plantation
4 Conifers
5 Broad Leaf
6 Road - Trail
7 River - Creek
8 Ridge
9 Land Yard
10 Watershed
11 Gap
12 Wetland
13 Cliff
14 DBH lower 60cm
15 DBH higher 60cm
16 Height lower 10m
17 Height higher 10m
Vine Health Status Agriculture & Forest To assess and classify the health of grapevines. Public N/A Show

To assess and classify the health of grapevines.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Healthy
2 Infested Pest and disease
3 Broken
4 Dried
UK Habitat Classification (level3) Nature and Environment Survey method used to categorise habitats within a defined area and record their condition a... Public N/A Show

Survey method used to categorise habitats within a defined area and record their condition and distinctiveness against set criteria.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Acid grassland
2 Calcareous grassland
3 Neutral grassland
4 Modified grassland
5 Broadleaved mixed and yew woodland
6 Coniferous woodland
7 Dwarf shrub heath
8 Hedgerows
9 Dense scrub
10 Bog
11 Fen marsh and swamp
12 Arable and horticulture
13 Built-up areas and gardens
14 Inland rock
15 Supralittoral Rock
16 Supralittoral Sediment
17 Standing open water and canals
18 Rivers and streams
19 Littoral Rock
20 Littoral Sediment
Marine Litter Monitoring (OSPAR) Nature and Environment Marine Litter classification based on the OSPAR survey questionaire for 100m stretch of beach. Public N/A Show

Marine Litter classification based on the OSPAR survey questionaire for 100m stretch of beach.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Plastic, Polystyrene
2 Rubber
3 Cloth
4 Paper, Cardboard
5 Wood (machined)
6 Metal
7 Glass
8 Pottery, Ceramics
9 Sanitary waste
10 Medical waste
11 Faeces
12 Pollutants <1cm (paraffin or wax pieces)
13 Pollutants 1-10cm (paraffin or wax pieces)
14 Pollutants >10cm (paraffin or wax pieces)
15 Other
Travelling Entertainment and Sports Tourist attractions and useful spots. Public N/A Show

Tourist attractions and useful spots.

Order Tag Name Description
1 Monument/Museum
2 Nature/Parks
3 Fun Attraction
4 Neighborhood
5 Hotel
6 Public Transport
7 Restaurant
Outdoor activities Entertainment and Sports Recreational or leisure pursuits used to classify a time sequence of points (Path). Public N/A Show

Recreational or leisure pursuits used to classify a time sequence of points (Path).

Order Tag Name Description
1 Hiking
2 Running
3 Cycling/Biking
4 Offroad
5 Sailing
6 Flying